Secrets of Happily Married Couples

whether you've been married for days or decades, here's how to stay connected after...two years, seven years, 14 years and beyond- by Louise Jarvis
Marriages are like snowflakes: No two are the same. But look closely and you'll notice they all have a lot in common. And the more anniversaries you log, the more likely you are to hit milestones most other couples share. "We're all familiar with the developmental stages of childhood — well, marriage goes through a similar set of stages," says Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free. "It's important to look at them as a sign that your relationship is maturing, rather than thinking, Uh-oh, it's the seven-year itch." Yes, there really is a seven-year itch, so to guide you through that challenge — and others — we asked experts to share their tips for making every crucial transition an opportunity to get closer.
Although your sex life is still hot, it may seem like your romantic connection has hit a cool spell. It's not your imagination: Most couples experience a 50 percent drop in loving gestures (holding hands, pillow talk, etc.) during this stage of marriage, says Ted Huston, Ph.D., a marriage researcher and professor of human ecology at the
What to Expect
Love gets real (in a good way). Those first dozen months of marriage may be challenging, but they're thrilling, too: You're telling your honeymoon stories, christening wedding gifts and feathering your nest together. The second year, "it gets real," says Tessina. "You see your husband tossing his underwear on the floor and it dawns on you, Oh, my God, I'm in this for life." Even living together before saying "I do" doesn't prepare you for this shock, because when you're shacking up, you know the arrangement isn't necessarily permanent, so annoying habits and disagreements are less likely to register as lifelong challenges.
At the same time, you're both figuring out how to have solo time, which can feel exhilarating and threatening.
"When you were just dating, your focus was, 'When can I see you?' But now that you're married, it's, 'How do I get away from you?'" notes Tessina. "It can feel like a bad thing, but it's not."
So don't panic if you sometimes wish you could trade that soup tureen for a big vat of Valium. "It's natural to feel bursts of anxiety, especially after arguments," says psychologist Laura Berman, Ph.D., coauthor of Secrets of the Sexually Satisfied Woman: Ten Keys to Unlocking Ultimate Pleasure. "Everything can seem catastrophic — even a fight about where to store the new dishes." That's because even if you easily resolved minor arguments before the rings were on, you may now be worried that any conflict is a sign that your marriage is shaky. Anxiety and preconceived notions about married-couple "shoulds" can make disagreements seem more important than they really are.
Reality check: Take a deep breath and don't worry about whether you'll make it to your golden anniversary. Instead, focus on the day-to-day and the chance to build — from the ground up — the kind of marriage that will make you happy. "You're the ones who get to set how it goes," advises Tessina. "So do it your way." To make sure you and he are on the same page about what "your way" is, set aside a sacred 20-minute block each week to talk about your relationship. "It will help you build a strong foundation," notes Tessina.
YEAR 2: Biggest Reward
Getting closer, just you and him. The years before children can be magical, says Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, Ph.D., co-director of the National Marriage Project at
Liz and Dan Figenshu
What's this
YEAR 7: Biggest Surprise
"A lot of men have a hard time adjusting to having sex with someone they've seen give birth," says Berman, who counsels couples with sexual difficulties as director of the
Meanwhile, new moms have their own problems to grapple with. Although ob/gyns tell women it's safe to have sex six weeks after giving birth, Berman counsels her patients not to expect a normal sex life until three to six months after stopping breast-feeding. "Breast-feeding women have the estrogen levels of menopausal women, which contributes to low libido, low sensation and dryness," she says, adding that these problems tend to be worse after the second child. So don't be hard on yourself if you aren't raring to go a few months after giving birth.
What to Expect
Kids stress — and strengthen — your bond. Children change everything, from when and if you sleep to how you invest your money, where you vacation and what you drive. Most couples have had all their kids by now, according to a study commissioned by Redbook and fielded by the Downing Group, and are settling into the all-absorbing rhythm of parenthood. You two are enjoying the satisfaction of working together for future goals, but you're also feeling the financial pressures of a growing family.
Division of labor is always a hot-button issue between couples, but when kids arrive, the stakes grow exponentially, say Carolyn Pape Cowan, Ph.D., and her husband, Philip A. Cowan, Ph.D., both professors of psychology at the
Another toughie: Finding time for romance. "Couples struggle with a sense of loss after children — that tendency to neglect each other and focus exclusively on the kids," says Berman. "It's so important to make private time together a priority." Berman advises couples to install a lock on the bedroom door, go on date nights as regularly as possible and sneak away at least once a year for an overnight getaway. "Otherwise, you just become partners managing the kids and life, and that makes your marriage more vulnerable to problems down the road," she says.
Even childless couples can get stuck in a romantic rut at the seven-year mark. Why? "Routine makes us feel secure, but it's also boring," explains Tessina. "At the same time, new stuff energizes us, but it's exhausting so we avoid it." The solution? Shake things up a little: Reorganize your bedroom, try a lunch instead of a dinner date, get physical in the morning before work.
But don't ditch your old rituals — anything that makes you two feel close on a daily basis will shore up your bond, according to the Cowans' research. The most successful couples in their study had learned by year seven that there are times when it's best "to put the stuff of life on hold — laundry, lawn care — and just spend a little time together, alone," she says.
YEAR 7: Biggest Reward
Hey, just making it to this anniversary is a big accomplishment. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, half of all divorces occur in the first seven years. "If you've come this far, you're already well on your way to beating the odds," says Haltzman.
"Your family really feels like a family now," says Tessina. And assuming you've found a way to maintain your romantic relationship over the din of Elmo videos, you're in good to go the distance.
Keenya and Julian Mathis
To stay in sync while raising two sons, "we watch out for each other," says Julian, of
YEAR 14: Biggest Reward
Helping each other live your best life, says Tessina. "It's a common time for soul-searching — Should I switch careers? Is this really how I want my life to be?" she notes. "It feels great when you realize that you have a true partner by your side to help you assess your dreams and put some of them into action."
Jen and Pete Singer
"When our kids were young, we lost each other in the blur," admits Jen, of
The happiest time in marriage may be after the kids leave home, says Robert W. Levenson, Ph.D., director of the
But not all empty nesters will make it to their golden anniversary. To predict which ones will, just watch them argue, says Levenson. According to his research, the most successful pairs bring up problems in a constructive way, keep strong emotions in check and avoid disgust and contempt. "Those behaviors are more damaging than anger because anger is situational, while disgust and contempt are about the low worth of the person in general," he says.
What else distinguishes golden-oldie pairs? According to a report from the Australian Institute of Family Studies, they accept what can't be changed about their partners.
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Bro. Alberto "Abet"
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